This coming GIVING TUESDAY, you can make a real difference in the lives of the poor people of Eastern Samar!! The Oikos Sister’s Mission, based in Borongan City, Eastern Samar, has many ministries aimed at helping the poor to overcome poverty. One of those ministries is called the CHARITY PHARMACY.
Headed up by Sr. Clarissa Abella, a licensed pharmacist, the CHARITY PHARMACY has in itself a few missions: ❤ to provide free medication to the poor of any age, or to provide the means for them to purchase the medicines they so badly need; ❤ to give aid to families who have to move a loved one to a higher medical facility, the closest being 4 to 5 hours away. Families must provide the gasoline needed in the ambulance to bring them to the hospital. Also to help provide food for the sick in the hospitals and those who are watching over them; ❤ to give much needed help to pregnant women and new mothers…vitamins, birthing kits, milk for their babies and other needs; ❤ to provide medicines to the prisoners at the city and provincial jails within the City of Borongan; ❤ to reach out to those who are unable to travel into the city but are in need of medicine by way of a mobile Charity Pharmacy Clinic ❤ and even more!!!
Your donation on GIVING TUESDAY will help supply the pharmacy with much needed medicines, provide families with a way to bring their sick loved ones to the hospital and keep them fed during their stay, will be a source of peace and assurance that their children, elderly parents and even themselves are on the way to being better and healthier!
Thank you so much for your interest in giving to the CHARITY PHARMACY of the Oikos Sisters! May God bless you abundantly for your generosity and care for those most in need!
Click on the picture of our mobile CHARITY PHARMACY to donate now!!! Salamat po!!