Helping Hands

 Passing on the Torch

There is no doubt that the Oikos Sisters are on fire with the love of God and work tirelessly to make sure the people of Eastern Samar know of His love for them.  Although just five in number, the Sisters run many programs throughout the region and are always coming up with new ways to help the poor physically, spiritually, emotionally, and any other way possible.  It seems that would be impossible for just 5 people to do…and it is!  So how do they do it all?  A few ways…

i…Students being financially sponsored for their education by the Poor Household of God are given the opportunity to give back a little of what has been given to them.  Although their studies are a first priority, the students help with the feeding programs, ca1445138517384techism classes for the poor children in the barrios, immersions and many of the other programs the Sisters are involved in.  The best part is, the kids are happy to help out!  Not only are the Sisters helping these kids get an education, they are teaching them how to care for others in the world.  Awesome!

…After graduating from college, many of the Poor Household of God-sponsored 388students volunteer for a year for the Oikos Sisters.  It is not something everyone can do, depending on their family and financial situation, but even if they do work, they volunteer during their days off.  It is clear to see that the students deeply appreciate the help they have been given, and want to pass on to others the love they’ve received.  It is a beautiful thing to see!!!117

…Many of the mothers whose children are helped by the Oikos Sisters actually live with the Sisters and help them with their programs or with laundry, cooking and other household tasks.  They are so thankful for the opportunity for their children to succeed in school and in life.  The mothers offer an amazing support system for the Sisters and allow them to see to the needs of others without thought to themselves.

…Co-workers are community volunteers who give of their time and talent to help in the work the Oikos Sisters are doing.  These amazing volunteers work1445048239595 as drivers, teachers, cooks, doctors, secretaries and many assist in the Oikos Sister’s outreach programs.  Some of the co-workers work full time with the Sisters and some work as they are able.  One thing is for certain: God’s love and His care for His beloved poor is clearly evident in the barrios of Eastern Samar!!!