One of the missions of the Oikos Community has been to feed the poor, especially the children, differently abled people and the elderly living in the barrios. Too many of the poor living especially in the far-flung areas of Eastern Samar only have the rescources to eat one meal a day…and sometimes that meal is rice with soy sauce on it! In the past the Oikos Mission has gone into these far-flung areas to feed the poor, and very often has found that, despite the fact that not enough food was made for the number of people who came to eat, they NEVER ran out of food!! Hence the name Multiplication of Loaves.
This program had to stop during the pandemic because the government restricted movement around the country, even from village to village! Now that travel is once again allowed, there are certain areas where the mission cannot go because of the threat of danger due to the political climate here.
But there are many people who still come to our doors for food, rice, medicines, monetary aid and so the Mission has decided to change the Multiplication of Loaves program. Instead of going to the barrios to feed the poor, we will feed the poor who come to us. The Multiplication of Loaves Soup Kitchen will be run out of one of our mission homes in the City of Borongan and will be catering to the poor who come to us for help. We are hopeful that this program, although different from the original program, will help those most in need.
Please pray for the success of this new endeavor and if you would like to donate to the soup kitchen and it’s weekly needs of buying food to serve the poor, please click here: