The Charity Pharmacy and Dental Clinic
The Oikos Charity Pharmacy is the only pharmacy in Borongan where poor people can go to
get free medication. Sister Clarissa Abella, a licensed pharmacist, runs the pharmacy with help from the other sisters and co-workers. With no community programs in place to help those who cannot afford medication, the charity pharmacy is literally saving lives. People from all over Eastern Samar find a way to the Oikos Sisters and the care they give.
Attached to the pharmacy is a dental clinic. Sister Michelle Ureta is a dentist and, with the help of the dental mission team that came this past February, Sister Michelle is not only able to provide dental care for the poor living in Borongan but also for those in far flung barrios. With the help of the co-workers and the students who are sponsored by the Poor Household of God, Sister Michelle has many willing assistants!!
Both of these amazing programs are run completely by donations. If you would like to donate to the wonderful work the Oikos Sisters are doing in the Philippines, please click here: