Oikos Village

A Dream of the Oikos Sisters is Coming True!!!

The story of Oikos Village is quite a compelling one.  In the United States andC14 other first world countries, owning land is not something that is required for having a good standard of living.  One can have a great life renting a home and still receive       services offered by the government and get aid if needed.  In the Philippines, it is another story. C13 In order to receive aid, to have a home rebuilt after a typhoon for instance, people must own the land their house is on.  That makes those who rent land truly the poorest of the poor.  Many times these people build homes themselves on stilts on the water, with little to no privacy and none of the amenities you and I have become accustomed to even in the simplest of homes.

The Oikos Sisters have felt the whisperings of Christ in their prayer to aid those who are incapable of receiving aid.  The dream became known as Oikos Village.  It would be qa community for the poor who are homeless and landless.  Although it is a seemingly unattainable dream for the 5 Sisters, by now you must know that with faith and hope, nothing is impossible for God!!  Last fall, land was donated to the Oikos Sisters by a faith-filled family and suddenly the Sisters felt their dream would soon become a reality.

The goal for Oikos Village is to build 25 single, detached, permanent FullSizeRender (47)homes and some other buildings- a chapel, a multipurpose facility to use as a community/learning center and an evacuation center.  The homes will be simple…277 square feet consisting of a small living room, a little kitchen, two bedrooms and a bathroom.  Simple, but for those who have nothing to call their own, it is everything!FullSizeRender (45)

Already plans are being made for the building of these homes and centers in Oikos Village.  The first step is to build a fence around the property for safety and privacy, then the building can begin!  Unbelievably, each home costs  only $5,000.00 to build, including labor and supplies.  For us, that may seem like a ridiculously little amount, however, for the poor of the Philippines, it might as well cost a million dollars.    Please keep this project in your prayers.  We will keep you updated on the progress the Oikos Sisters make on Oikos Village!

If you would like to be a part of building the Oikos Village, you can donate here.  The cost of building a home is $5,000.00USD, but there are other projects planned for which you can be a part of, such as the building of the chapel or supplies for the community garden and pig farm.  Simply write on the memo of the check or add a note onto paypal as to what you would like your donation to go towards.


Hope abounds in the Philippines as the Oikos Angels, pictured above, plant fruit trees and kalipayon (joyful) bushes in Oikos Village…please hope and pray with us!!!