FAITH Program

FAITH…Food Always In The Home

The Food Always In The Home program, or FAITH, is a livelihood assistance  program run by the Oikos Sisters.  Participants in FAITH learn how to grow organic mmfruits and vegetables, not only for their own table and to take to the market to sell, but also for the Multiplication of Loves feeding program for undernourished children.  The Sisters along with their co-workers educate and aid the poor, helping them not only to pull themselves out of the painful cycle of poverty, but to help others along the way.

The food is grown from seeds in biodegradable bags on small risers.  The Sisters aid and encourage the people to be successful in this year-long endeavor by keeping trFaithProgram-CloseUpack of the growth of the food and presenting awards for the greatest achievers… bags of rice and foods…even a grand prize piglet!  The FAITH program is flourishing in several barrios, including at the Oikos Sister’s own home.  I can attest to the deliciousness of the harvests!!


FAITH-Program-SmallYou can help the FAITH Program continue to grow in the Philippines.  If you would like to help, please click here:
